Advices for Klima 2050 as a Centre
High international level of the research and research education are criteria for Klima 2050 as a centre for Research-based Innovation (SFI). Active international cooperation is also expected. To evaluate these aspects we have established an International Scientific Advisory Committee as consultative body.
From the left: Kristina Mjörnell, Hallie Eakin, Rafaela Matos and Thomas Glade. Photo: Tore Kvande
The main recommendations from the first meeting with the international committee can be summarized as follows:
- There is a need to better explain the specific objectives and outcomes expected, and clarify the evaluation criteria.
- There is a need to better illustrate the added value provided by working together in the Centre as opposed to its different parts being run independently.
- There is a need to conscientiously develop the communication of the Centre using electronic media (web page, social media etc.).
- The need to an increased presence at the international research scene. This includes structured efforts towards the EU system (Horizon 2020 and beyond), international workshops hosted by the Centre and moreover it is important to ensure that the findings have salience beyond Norway.
- The communication of the Centre to the outside world ought to lay more weight on actual results (innovations) than on publications. Frame the results through a focus on the problems that the project is tackling, and how the project is making progress on those specific problem domains.
- There is a need for establishing a proper strategy for the Ph.D. - education within the context of the Centre. The steering document governing this education ought to be available in English language.
The Centre should define concrete tasks that undertake the recommendations of the committee in the year to come. In this way the Centre can follow up on progress and evaluate if the comments, the recommendations and the work of the International Scientific Advisory committee has been useful and constructive.