Scientific journal articles with peer review

Sandberg L, Sandberg E & Broberg Vågbø PC: Fanget i farseone - grunneiers ansvar og kostnader ved flomsikringstiltak. Kapittel 7 i S. Taubøll (red.) Flom, skred og juss 2024. Cappelen Damm AS, Oslo, Norge. ISBN: 978-82-02-85865-0

Gaarder JE, Tajet HTT, Dobler A, Hygen HO & Kvande T: Future Climate Projections and Uncertainty Evaluations for Frost Decay Exposure Index in Norway. Buildings 2024, Vol 14(9), 2873;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 11 September 2024)

Henke L, Knoth K & Sandberg E: Climate change adaptation in Norwegian businesses − Awareness, integration and barriers. Climate Risk Management 2024, Vol 45, 100647;, ISSN 2212-0963 (Published online 23 August 2024)

Rossebø KB & Kvande T: Water Vapour Resistance of Exterior Coatings—Influence on Moisture Conditions in Ventilated Wooden Claddings. Buildings 2024, Vol 14(7), 2202;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 17 July 2024)

Maurin N, Abdalla EHM, Muthanna TM & Sivertsen E: Understanding the hydrological performance of green and grey roofs during winter in cold climate regions. Science of The Total Environment 2024, Vol 945, 174132;, ISSN 0048-9697 (Published online 20 June 2024)

Birkeland IM, Andenæs E, Gullbrekken L & Kvande T: Determining Moisture Content of Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL). Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 2024, Vol 35(2), p. 43-52;, ISSN: 2029–9990 (Published online 19 June 2024)

Thodesen BO, Andenæs E & Kvande T: Implementing Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems: Themes of Cultural Conflicts and Public Resistance—A Case Study. Land 2024, Vol 13(6), 724;, ISSN 2073-445X (Published online 22 May 2024)

Nie L, Bjerkholt JT, Pedersen PM, Sivertsen E, Zhang KZW & Silva CM: International experience on rainwater harvesting and stormwater utilisation – a literature review, Vann 2024, no 1, p 15-28; ISSN 0042-2592

Abdalla EMH, Alfredsen K & Muthanna TM: Impacts of slope and length on the hydrological performance of green roof drainage mats. Journal of Hydrology 2024, Vol 632, 130974;, ISSN 0022-1694 (Published online 28 February 2024)

Gaarder JE, Clausen RH, Næss R & Kvande T: Barriers to climate adaptation in Norwegian building projects – Insights from moisture safety designers’ perspective. Climate Risk Management 2024, Vol 43, 100590;, ISSN 2212-0963 (Published 17. February 2024)

Bosco C, Abdalla EMH, Muthanna TM, Alfredsen K, Rasten B, Kjennbakken H & Sivertsen E: Evaluating the Stormwater Management Model for hydrological simulation of infiltration swales in cold climates. Blue-Green Systems 2023, Vol 5(2), p 306–320;, ISSN 2617-4782 (Published online 1 December 2023)

Hannasvik LT, Kvande T, Bohne RA, Gaarder JE, Hoff I, Evensen R & Johansen JM: Impact of climate change on carbon emissions in future road design: frost protection of roads in temperate climates. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability 2023, Vol 3, 045008;, ISSN 2634-4505 (Published online 1 December 2023)

Raspati GS, Bruaset S, Azrague K, Ugarelli R, Muthanna TM, Time B & Sivertsen E: Framework for documentation of nature-based solutions for stormwater management. Blue-Green Systems 2023, Vol 5(2), p 135–151;, ISSN 2617-4782 (Published online 6 September 2023)

Tomren JH, Andenæs E, Geving S & Kvande T: Water Vapour Resistance of Ceiling Paints—Implications for the Use of Smart Vapour Barriers in Compact Wooden Roofs. Buildings 2023, Vol 13(9), 2185;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 28 August 2023)

Knarud JI, Kvande T & Geving S: Hygrothermal Simulation of Interior Insulated Brick Wall—Perspectives on Uncertainty and Sensitivity. Buildings 2023, Vol 13(7), 1701;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 3 July 2023)

Thodesen B, Andenæs E, Bohne RA & Kvande T: Mapping Public-Planner Conflicts in SUDS Implementation Using Cultural Dimensions—A Case Study. Urban Science 2023, Vol 7(2), 61;, ISSN 2413-8851 (Published online 6 June 2023)

Gaarder JE, Hygen HO, Bohne RA & Kvande T: Building Adaptation Measures Using Future Climate Scenarios—A Scoping Review of Uncertainty Treatment and Communication. Buildings 2023, Vol 13(6), 1460;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 3 June 2023)

Ravindra GHR, Killingtveit Å, Hung CR, Sandberg E, Tveit OA Sivertsen E & Bjelle EL: Aktiv flomdemping: Casestudie av Ilavassdraget i Trondheim kommune. Vann 1 /2023, p. 33-44, ISSN 0042-2592

Lohne J, Solheim A, Muthanna TM, Time B, Hauge ÅL, Kalsnes BG, Lædre O & Kvande T: Ethics of Climate Change Adaptation—The Case of Torrential Rains in Norway. Buildings 2023, Vol 13(5), 1111;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 22 April 2023)

Jevne FL, Hauge ÅL & Thomassen MK: User evaluation of a national web portal for climate change adaptation – A qualitative case study of the Knowledge Bank. Climate Services 2023, Vol 30, 100367;, ISSN 2405-8807 (Published online 20.April 2023)

Pons V, Abdalla EMH, Tscheikner-Gratl F, Alfredsen K, Sivertsen E, Bertrand-Krajewski J-L & Muthanna TM: Practice makes the model: A critical review of stormwater green infrastructure modelling practice. Water Research 2023, Vol 236, 119958;, ISSN 0043-1354 (Published online 9. April 2023)

Gaarder JE, Friis NK, Larsen IS, Time B, Møller EB & Kvande T: Optimization of thermal insulation thickness pertaining to embodied and operational GHG emissions in cold climates – Future and present cases. Building and Environment 2023, Vol 234, 110187;, ISSN 0360-1323 (Published online 9 March 2023)

Ganerød AJ, Lindsay E, Fredin O, Myrvoll T-A, Nordal S & Rød JK: Globally vs. Locally Trained Machine Learning Models for Landslide Detection: A Case Study of a Glacial Landscape. Remote Sensing 2023, Vol 15(4), 895;, ISSN 2072-4292 (Published online 6 February 2023)

Brozovsky J, Nocente A & Rüther P: Modelling and validation of hygrothermal conditions in the air gap behind wood cladding and BIPV in the building envelope. Building and Environment 2023, Vol 228, 109917;, ISSN 0360-1323 (Published online 13 December 2022)

Abdalla EMH, Alfredsen K & Muthanna TM: On the use of multi-objective optimization for multi-site calibration of extensive green roofs. Journal of Environmetnal Management 2023, Vol 326 Part A, 116716;, ISSN 0301-4797 (Published online 9 November 2022)

Abdalla EMH, Muthanna TM, Alfredsen K & Sivertsen E: Towards improving the hydrologic design of permeable pavements. Blue-Green Systems 2022, Vol 4(2), pp 197-212;, ISSN 2617-4782 (Published online 2 November 2022)

Ingebretsen SB, Andenæs E, Gullbrekken L, Kvande T: Microclimate and Mould Growth Potential of Air Cavities in Ventilated Wooden Façade and Roof Systems—Case Studies from Norway. Buildings 2022, Vol 12(10), 1739;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 19 October 2022)

Fuglestad FE, Andenæs E, Geving S & Kvande T: Determining the Vapour Resistance of Breather Membrane Adhesive Joints. Materials 2022, Vol 15(19), 6619;, ISSN 1996-1944 (Published online 23 September 2022)

Støver EA, Sundsøy MH, Andenæs E, Geving S & Kvande T: Rain Intrusion through Horizontal Joints in Façade Panel Systems—Experimental Investigation. Buildings 2022, Vol 12(10), 1497;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 21 September 2022)

Solheim A, Kalsnes B, Strout J, Piciullo L, Heyerdahl H, Eidsvig U & Lohne J: Landslide risk reduction through close partnership between research, industry, and public entities in Norway: Pilots and case studies. Frontiers in Earth Science, September 2022;, ISSN 2296-6463 (Published online 1 September 2022)

Friis NK, Gaarder JE & Møller EB: A Tool for Calculating the Building Insulation Thickness for Lowest CO2 Emissions—A Greenlandic Example. Buildings 2022, Vol 12(8), 1178;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 6 August 2022)

Le Floch N, Pons V, Abdalla EMH & Alfredsen K: Catchment scale effects of low impact development implementation scenarios at different urbanization densities. Journal of Hydrology 2022, Vol 612, Part B, 128178;, ISSN 0022-1694 (Published online 29 July 2022)

Asphaug S, Andenæs E, Geving S, Time B & Kvande T: Moisture-resilient performance of concrete basement walls – Numerical simulations of the effect of outward drying. Building and Environment 2022, Vol 222, 109393;, ISSN 0360-1323 (Published online 14 July 2022)

Lohne J: Innovasjon innen Sentre for forskningsdrevet innovasjon – en metaanalyse av erfaringer fra Klima 2050. Kart og plan 2022, nr 2, p 170-191;, ISSN 0047-3278 (Published online 28 June 2022)

Pons V, Benestad R, Sivertsen E, Muthanna TM & Bertrand-Krajewski J-L: Forecasting green roof detention performance by temporal downscaling of precipitation time-series projections. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2022, Vol 26, 2855–2874;, ISSN 1027-5606 (Published online 8 June 2022)

Ingebretsen SB, Andenæs, E & Kvande T: Microclimate of Air Cavities in Ventilated Roof and Façade Systems in Nordic Climates. Buildings 2022, Vol 12(5), 683;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 19 May 2022)

Lindsay E, Frauenfelder R, Rüther D, Nava L, Rubensdotter L, Strout J & Nordal S: Multi-Temporal Satellite Image Composites in Google Earth Engine for Improved Landslide Visibility: A Case Study of a Glacial Landscape. Remote Sensing 2022, Vol 14(10), 2301;, ISSN 2072-4292 (Published online 10 May 2022)

Vicari H, Tran QA, Nordal S & Thakur V: MPM modelling of debris flow entrainment and interaction with an upstream flexible barrier. Landslides 2022;, ISSN 1612-510X (Published online 2 May 2022)

Asphaug S, Hjermann I, Time B & Kvande T: Monitoring outward drying of externally insulated basement walls: A laboratory experiment. Building and Environment 2022, Vol 217, 109097;, ISSN 0360-1323 (Published online 18 April 2022)

Thodesen B, Time B & Kvande T: Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems: Themes of Public Perception—A Case Study. Land 2022, Vol 11(4), 589;, ISSN 2073-445X (Published online 18 April 2022)

Capobianco V, Uzielli M, Kalsnes B, Choi J.C, Strout J, Tann L, Steinholt I, Solheim A, Nadim F & Lacasse S: Recent innovations in the LaRiMiT risk mitigation tool; implementing a novel methodology for expert scoring and extending the database to include nature-based solutions, Landslides 2022;, ISSN 1612-510X (Published online 5 April 2022)

Kokkonen A: Endringsagenters betydning for å realisere bærekraftsmål: En casestudie av virksomhet i den norske BAE-næringen. Praktisk økonomi & finans 2022, Vol 38 (1), pp 89-109;, ISSN 1501-0074 (Published online 29 March 2022)

Abdalla EMH, Alfredsen K & Muthanna TM: Towards improving the calibration practice of conceptual hydrological models of extensive green roofs. Journal of Hydrology 2022, Vol 607, 127548;, ISSN 0022-1694 (Published online 7 February 2022)

Pons V, Muthanna TM, Sivertsen E & Bertrand-Krajewski J-L; Revising Green roof design methods with downscaling model of rainfall time series. Water Science & Technology 2022, Vol 85(5), p. 1363–1371;, ISSN 0273-1223 (Published online 25 January 2022)

Knarud JI, Kvande T & Geving S: Modelling hydraulic conductivity for porous building materials based on a prediction of capillary conductivity at capillary saturation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2022, Vol 186, 122457;, ISSN 0017-9310 (Published online 31 December 2021)

Abdalla E, Pons V, Stovin V, De-Ville S, Fassman-Beck E, Alfredsen K & Muthanna TM: Evaluating different machine learning methods to simulate runoff from extensive green roofs. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science 2021, Vol 25, p. 5917–5935;, ISSN 1607-7938 (Published online 15. November 2021)

Vicari H, Ng CWW, Nordal S, Thakur V, De Silva WARK, Liu H & Choi CE: The Effects of Upstream Flexible Barrier on the Debris Flow Entrainment and Impact Dynamics on a Terminal Barrier. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 2021;, ISSN 0008-3674 (Published online 4 October 2021)

Insana A, Beroya-Eitner MA, Barla M, Zachert H, Zlender B, Marle M, Kalsnes B, Bracko T, Pereira C, Prodan I, Szymkiwicz F & Löfroth H: Climate Change Adaption of Geo-Structures in Europe: Emerging Issues and Future Steps. Geosciences 2021, Vol 11(12), 488,, ISSN 2076-3263 (Published online 29 November 2021)

Johnsen I-H, Andenæs E, Gullbrekken L & Kvande T: Vapour resistance of wind barrier tape: Laboratory measurements and hygrothermal performance implications. Journal of Building Physics. November 2021;, ISSN 1744-2583 (Published online 25 November 2021)

Asphaug SK, Time B & Kvande T: Moisture Accumulation in Building Façades Exposed to Accelerated Artificial Climatic Ageing—A Complementary Analysis to NT Build 495. Buildings 2021, Vol 11(12), 568;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 23 November 2021)

Asphaug SK, Time B & Kvande T: Hygrothermal simulations of thermally insulated basement envelopes - Importance of boundary conditions below grade. Building and Environment 2021, Vol 199, 107920;, ISSN 0360-1323 (Published online 28 April 2021)

Franco-Torres M: The Path to the New Urban Water Paradigm – From Modernity to Metamodernism. Water alternatives 2021, Vol 14(3), pp 820-840, ISSN 1965-0175 (Published October 2021)

Andenæs E, Time B, Muthanna TM Asphaug S & Kvande T: Risk Reduction Framework for Blue-Green Roofs. Buildings 2021, Vol 11(5), 185;, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 26 April 2021)

Seljom L, Bygballe LE, Riis C, Petkovic G & Berg H. Klimatilpasning av vårt bygde miljø og utfordringer ved dagens kost-nyttanalyser. Praktisk økonomi & finans, 01/2021, Vol 31, s 63-82;, ISSN Online 1504-2871, ISSN Print:1501-0074

Andenæs E, Time B, Kvande T & Lohne J: Surpassing the Limits to Human Cognition? On the Level of Detail in the Norwegian Building Design Guides. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 2021, Vol 15(2), p. 103-117; doi:10.17265/1934-7359/2021.02.006, ISSN 1934-7359 (Published online 24 March 2021)

Andenæs E, Stagrum A, Kvande T & Lohne J: Effects of Atmospheric Pressure on Water Absorption in Plastic Insulation – A Laboratory Investigation. Journal of Testing and Evaluation 2021, Vol 49; doi:10.1520/JTE20200337, ISSN 0090-3973 (Published online 15 March 2021)

Säwén T, Stockhaus M, Hagentoft C-E, Bunkholt NS & Wahlgren P: Model of thermal buoyancy in cavity-ventilated roof constructions. Journal of Building Physics February 2021; doi:10.1177/1744259120984189, ISSN 1744-2583 (Published online 10 February 2021)

Franco-Torres M, Kvålshaugen R & Ugarelli RM: Understanding the governance of urban water services from an institutional logics perspective. Utilities Policy 2021, Vol 68, 101159; doi:10.1016/j.jup.2020.101159, ISSN 0957-1787 (Published online 28 December 2020)

Schiliro L, Cepeda J, Devoli G & Piciullo L: Regional Analyses of Rainfall-Induced Landslide Initiation in Upper Gudrandsdalen (South-Eastern Norway) Using TRIGRS Model. Geosciences 2021, Vol 11(1), 35; doi:10.3390/geosciences11010035, ISSN 2076-3263 (Published 11 January 2021)

Knarud JI, Geving S & Kvande T: Moisture performance of interior insulated brick wall segments subjected to wetting and drying – A laboratory investigation. Building and Environment 2021, Vol 188, 107488; doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.107488, ISSN 0360-1323 (Published online 28 November 2020)

Hauge ÅL, Time B, Flyen C, Sivertsen E, Venås C & Thomassen M: Klimatilpasning - hvordan få det til å skje? Betydningen av læring i nettverk. Kart og plan 2020, nr 3, p 145-167; ISSN 0047-3278 (Published online 30 November 2020)

Andenæs E, Engebø A, Time B, Lohne J, Torp O & Kvande T: Perspectives on Quality Risk in the Building Process of Blue-Green Roofs in Norway. Buildings 2020, Vol 10(10), 189; doi:10.3390/buildings10100189, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 21 October 2020)

Franco-Torres M, Rogers M & Ugarelli RM: A framework to explain the role of boundary objects in sustainable transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 2020, Vol 36, p. 34-48; doi:10.1016/j.eist.2020.04.010 (Published online 21 May 2020)

Engebø A, Klakegg OJ, Lohne J, Bohne RA, Fyhn H & Lædre O: High-performance building projects: how to build trust in team. Architectural Engineering and Design Management 2020; doi:10.1080/17452007.2020.1811078 (Published online 25 August 2020)

Franco-Torres M, Brioncy C & Harder R: Articulating the new urban water paradigm. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 2020, Vol 50; doi:10.1080/10643389.2020.1803686 (Published online 19 August 2020)

Tsegaw AT, Pontoppidan M, Kristvik E, Alfredsen K & Muthanna TM: Hydrological impacts of climate change on small ungauged catchments -results from a global climate model-regional climate model-hydrologic model chain. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2020, Vol 20(8), p. 2133-2155; doi:10.5194/nhess-20-2133-2020 (Published online 10. August 2020)

Piciullo L, Tiranti D, Pecoraro G, Cepeda JM & Calvello M: Standards for the performance assessment of territorial landslide early warning systems. Landslides 2020; doi:1007/s10346-020-01486-4 (Published online 16. August 2020)

Hamouz V, Pons V, Sivertsen E, Raspati GS, Bertrand-Krajewski JL & Muthanna TM: Detention-based green roofs for stormwater management under extreme precipitation due to climate change. Blue-Green Systems 2020, Vol 2(1), p. 250-266; doi:10.2166/bgs.2020.101 (Published online 27 July 2020)

Hernes RR, Gragne AS, Abdalla EMH, Braskerud BC, Alfredsen K & Muthanna TM: Assessing the effects of four SUDS scenarios on combined sewer overflows in Oslo, Norway: evaluating the low-impact development module of the Mike Urban model. Hydrology Research 2020; doi:10.2166/nh.2020.070 (Published online 7 July 2020)

Depina I, Oguz EA & Thakur V: Novel Bayesian framework for calibration of spatially distribued physical-based landslide prediction models. Computer and Geotechnics 2020, Vol 125; doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2020.103660, ISSN 0266-352X (Published online 10 June 2020)

Engebø A, Klakegg OJ, Lohne J & Lædre O: A collaborative project delivery method for design of a high-performance building. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 2020, Vol 13 (6), p. 1141-1165; doi:10.1108/IJMPB-01-2020-0014 (Published online 5 June 2020)

Grynning S, Gradeci K, Gaarder JE, Time B, Lohne J & Kvande T: Climate Adaptation in Maintenance Operation and Management of Buildings. Buildings 2020, Vol 10(6), 107; doi:10.3390/buildings10060107, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 4 June 2020)

Engebø A, Lædre O, Young B, Larsen PF, Lohne J & Klakegg O.J: Collaborative project delivery methods: A scoping review. Journal of civil Engineering and management 2020, Vol 26(3), s. 278-303; doi:10.3846/jcem.2020.12186 (Published online 31.03.2020)

Schärer LA, Busklein JO, Sivertsen E & Muthanna TM: Limitations in using runoff coefficients for green and gray roof design. Hydrology Research 2020, Vol 51(2), p. 339–350; doi:10.2166/nh.2020.049, ISSN 1998-9563 (Published online 30 Mars 2020)

Stagrum AE, Andenæs E, Kvande T & Lohne J: Climate Change Adaptation Measures for Buildings—A Scoping Review. Sustainability 2020, Vol 12(5), 1721; doi:10.3390/su12051721, ISSN 2071-1050 (Published online 25 February 2020)

Hauge ÅL, Flyen C, Venås C, Kokkonen A & Aall C: Public-private cooperation for climate change adaption -providing insurance loss data to the municipalities. Handbook of Climate Services; p. 157-181; doi:10.1007/978-3-030-36875-3, ISSN 1610-2002 (Published online 18 January 2020)

Bunkholt NS, Gullbrekken L & Kvande T: Influence of Local Weather Conditions on Ventilation of a Pitched Wooden Roof. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 2020, Vol 14(1), p. 37-45; doi:10.17265/1934-7359/2020.01.004, ISSN 1934-7359 (Published online 17 January 2020)

Bunkholt NS, Säwén T, Stockhaus M, Kvande T, Gullbrekken L, Wahlgren P & Lohne J: Experimental Study of Thermal Buoyancy in the Cavity of Ventilated Roofs. Buildings 2020, Vol 10(1), p. 8; doi:10.3390/buildings10010008, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 7 January 2020)

Asphaug SK, Kvande T, Time B, Peuhkuri RH, Kalamees T, Johansson P, Berardi U & Lohne J: Moisture control strategies of habitable basements in cold climates. Building and Environment 2020, Vol 169, 106572; doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106572, ISSN 0360-1323 (Published online 28 November 2019)

Foresta V, Capobianco V & Cascini L: The influence of grass roots on the shear strength of pyroclastic soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 2019; doi:10.1139/cgj-2019-0142 (Published online 30 October 2019)

Grynning S, Asphaug SK, Gullbrekken L & Time B: Moisture robustness of eaves solutions for ventilated roofs: Experimental studies. Science and Technology for the Built Environment 2019, Vol 25(9), p. 1121-1131; doi:10.1080/23744731.2019.1660113, ISSN 2374-4731 (Print) 2374-474X (online) (Published online 8 October 2019)

Hamouz V & Muthanna TM: Hydrological modelling of green and grey roofs in cold climate with the SWMM model. Journal of Environmental Management 2019, Vol 249 109350; doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109350, ISSN 0301-4797 (Published online 12 August 2019)

Tsegaw AT, Skaugen T, Alfredsen K & Muthanna TM: A dynamic river network method for the prediction of floods using a parsimonious rainfall-runoff model. Hydrology Research 2019; doi:10.2166/nh.2019.003, ISSN 1998-9563 (Published online August 26 2019)

Tsegaw AT, Alfredsen K, Skaugen T & Muthanna TM: Predicting hourly flow at ungauged small rural catchments using a parsimonious hydrological model. Journal of Hydrology 2019, Vol 573, p. 855-871; doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.03.090, ISSN 0022-1694 (Published online April 2019)

Labonnote N, Hauge ÅL & Sivertsen E: A climate services perspective on Norwegian stormwater-related databases. Climate Services 2019, Vol. 13 p. 33-41; doi:10.1016/j.cliser.2019.01.006, ISSN 2405-8807 (Published online 2 February 2019)

Yang B, Yin K, Lacasse S et al.: Time series analysis and long short-term memory neural network to predict landslide displacement. Landslides 2019, Vol 16, p. 677-694; doi:10.1007/s10346-018-01127-x, ISSN 1612-5118 (Published online 15 January 2019)

Johannessen BG, Hamouz V, Gragne AS & Muthanna TM: The transferability of SWMM model parameters between green roofs with similar build-up. Journal of Hydrology 2019, Vol 569 p. 816-828; doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.01.004, ISSN 0022-1694 (Published online 8 January 2019)

Kristvik E, Kleiven GH, Lohne J & Muthanna TM: Assessing the robustness of raingardens under climate change using SDSM and temporal downscaling. Water Science and Technology 2018. Vol. 77(6), p. 1640-1650; doi:10.2166/wst.2018.043, ISSN 0273-1223

Muthanna TM, Sivertsen E, Kliewer D & Jotta L: Coupling Field Observations and Geographical Information System (GIS)-Based Analysis for Improved Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) Performance. Sustainability 2018, Vol. 10(12), p. 4683; doi:10.3390/su10124683, ISSN 2071-1050 (Published online 8 December 2018)

Snefuglli RS, Baer D, Labonnote N & Sivertsen E: GIS-basert verktøy for å estimere fremtidige flomskadekostnader. Kart og Plan 2018, Vol. 78, p. 384–396; ISSN 0047-3278.

Gradeci K, Labonnote N, Sivertsen E & Time B: The use of insurance data in the analysis of Surface Water Flood events – a systematic review, Journal of Hydrologi 2019, Vol 568, p. 194-206; doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.10.060, ISSN 1879-2707 (Published online 31 October 2018)

Pecoraro G, Calcello M & Piciullo L: Monitoring strategies for local landslide early warning systems. Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides 2018, p. 1-19; doi:10.1007/s10346-018-1068-z. ISSN 1612-510X (Print) 1612-5118 (Online) (Published online 24 October 2018)

Thodesen B, Kvande T, Tajet HTT, Time B & Lohne J: Adapting Green-Blue Roofs to Nordic Climate. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research 2/2018, p. 99-126; ISSN 1893-5281 (Published online 1 October 2018)

Badger TC & D’Ignazio M: First-time landslides in Vashon advance glaciolacustrine deposits, Puget Lowland, U.S.A. Engineering Geology 2018, Vol 243, p. 294-307; doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.07.011, ISSN 1872-6917 (Published online 4 September 2018)

Gradeci K, Berardi U, Time B & Kohler J: Evaluating highly insulated walls to withstand biodeterioration: A probabilistic-based methodology. Energy and Buildings 2018, Vol 177, p. 112-124; doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.07.059, ISSN 0378-7788 (Published online 10 August 2018)

Hauge ÅH, Hanssen GS & Flyen C: Multilevel networks for climate change adaptation – what Works? International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 2018, ISSN 1756-8692 (Published online 7 August 2018)

Yifru AL, Laache E, Norem H, Nordal S & Thakur V: Laboratory investigation of performance of a screen type debris-flow countermeasure. HKIE Transactions 2018, Vol 25(2), p. 129-144; doi:10.1080/1023697X.2018.1462104 (Published online 31 Jul 2018)

Kvande T, Bakken N, Bergheim E & Thue JV:Durability of ETICS with Rendering in Norway—Experimental and Field Investigations. Buildings 2018, Vol 8(7), p. 93; doi:10.3390/buildings8070093, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 16 July 2018)

Johannessen BG, Muthanna TM & Braskerud BC: Detention and Retention Behavior of Four Extensive Green Roofs in Three Nordic Climate Zones. Water 2018, Vol. 10(6), p. 671; doi:10.3390/w10060671, ISSN 2073-4441 (Published online 23 May 2018)

Raspati G.S, Lindseth HKH, Muthanna TM & Azrague K: Potential of Biofilters for Treatment of De-Icing Chemicals. Water 2018, Vol. 10(5), p. 620; doi:10.3390/w10050620, ISSN 2073-4441 (Published online 10 May 2018)

Slapø F, Kvande T, Høiseth KV, Hisdal J-M & Lohne J: Mortar water content impact on masonry strength. Masonry International 2018, Vol 30(3), p. 91-98; ISSN 2398-757X

Andenæs E, Kvande T, Muthanna TM & Lohne J: Performance of Blue-Green Roofs in Cold Climates: A Scoping Review. Buildings 2018, Vol. 8(4), p. 55; doi:10.3390/buildings8040055, ISSN 2075-5309 (Published online 10 April 2018)

Hamouz V, Lohne J, Wood J.R & Muthanna TM: Hydrological Performance of LECA-Based Roofs in Cold Climates. Water 2018, Vol. 10(3), p. 263; doi:10.3390/w10030263, ISSN 2073-4441 (Published online 3 March 2018)

Piciullo L, Calvello M & Cepeda JM: Territorial early warning systems for rainfall-induced landslides. Earth-Science Reviews 2018, Vol 179, p. 228-247; doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.02.013  ISSN 0012-8252 (Published online 21 February 2018)

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